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Simple hacks for web design beginners


While running a business, especially an online one, for generating income and more customers, you need to bring an audience towards it. There are multiple ways of driving audience like social media marketing, content marketing, or paid to advertise. With the advent of technology, building a website is very easy than it was ever before. Given numerous blogging platforms and content management system (CMS), even a novice or aspiring designer can build pretty much professional-looking website even without deep knowledge of coding. But within such competitive world of web design, if you want to set yourself aside, there are a few amazing yet simple hacks for web design for beginners that you can take up for web designing in Delhi to outperform your competitors. 

  1. Make use of negative or white space- Picking up a minimalistic theme will not only help your website load faster but also utilize the white space and make your website look classy. By utilizing the negative or white space you can give your visitors a distraction-free experience. But the trick lies in the fact that you need to maximize the white space without making your website look boring or too plain. It all boils down to the point that you need to emphasize on the elements on which you need your reader to focus on. You can do so by following a few tips like
  • Remember white space can be of any colour, just makes sure it should be easy on eyes and make other elements stand out.
  • Put in use subtle details like small icons, animation, or patterns to avoid too much of plain space.
  • You can take advantage of the visitor’s focus by organizing the sections and important parts by organizing the website to provide a seamless experience to the user.
  1. Optimize for mobile users- The future of internet lies in the small gadget that sits in our pockets and handbags, the mobile phone. Today, everyone uses mobile phones to access internet in form of social media to simple searches. As a web designer it is your duty to maek this experience a comfortable one. As most of your visitors would be using small screens now, its important to use responsive or adaptive design in your websites. It is important to remember that a responsive design is the one that adapts to the screen size  readjusting and repositioning the content. A adaptive design is the one that multiple pre-designed layouts that is configured for different devices. If you are a beginner with little knowing about coding, responsive design might be suitable for you due to its faster and flexible properties.


  1. Need for speed- Always remember that your visitor won’t spend more than a few seconds on your website for it to get loaded. So if you are making a website which takes forever to load and offer very little value to your visitor, it will only end up putting off the visitor. You can use CMS to easily add functionalities like contact forms, calenders, or image sliders by looking for easy plugins and directing it towards your website. Always avoid installing unnecessary plugins as it leads to virtual dust ultimately leading to crashes and security breaches. Make sure to specify your goal before installing any plugin and remove if you won’t be needing plugins anymore.

Some final thoughts

Before applying these hacks into your website building project, as a beginner you must remember it takes a lot of creativity and patience to successfully build a website and you must not expect to gain expertise in a couple of days. But keeping a note and rectifying from previous mistakes will definitely take you long way and hep your gain loads of experience.

Read Also:- Commonly Made Web Designs Mistakes

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Great article. These is very useful information and I appreciate the time it took to create and share this. Thank you.